Worshipful Master Mission Statement
2018-2019 Masonic Year
Worshipful Master McArthur Myers
Universal Lodge #1 Prince Hall
In the Spirit of the Grand Architect of the Universe, the Creator of all things. I and the Brothers f Universal Lodge#1 Prince Hall Free and Accepted Mason Incorporated under the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand lodge of Virginia welcome you to our website of work.
Since February 5, 1845 when Universal Lodge#1 was founded, we have tried to live and to be guided on the Principles as set forth by Prince Hall himself "Taking Good Men and Making Them Better." We also believe and practice the Principles of "Faith, Hope and Charity." We the Brothers of Universal Lodge#1, the oldest Prince Hall Masonic Lodge in the Jurisdiction of Virginia take these and other Tenets and Landmarks to Heart, thus the Vision for my Administration Motto-
Standing on the Shoulders Looking Forward